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Khurram (blueocean)
Last seen 1010 Day(s) Ago
Male 31 years old,Karachi, Sindh
Education at: Uni of Karachi (Sindh)
it's Khurram
Smiles 2,534 Friends 30Listeners 225
Khurram @Blueocean

"Some are the heroes every one acknowledge.....While others are the silent guardians no one ever knows about."
Good morning. Have a nice day!
3198 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khurram @Blueocean

If you want to judge your relations, make few mistakes, as it is the only point where relation show their Originality.
3204 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khurram @Blueocean

If someone waits for you it dosn't mean that they have nothing to do. It just means that nothing else more important than you. Good night!
3209 Day(s) ago: SMS
Khurram @Blueocean

Who else remember this????

3232 Day(s) ago: Web
Smile a product of Veevo Tech.

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