
NaDaAaNPriNcE smile profile
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Wajeeh Ul Hassan (NaDaAaNPriNcE)
Last seen 2632 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Education at: Uni of Sargodha (USS) (Punjab)
"NeVeR Try tO DeFeat PeOplLeS JuSt Try tO WiN thEm Do ResPeCt aNd Get ReSpeCt."
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Salaam to all !!
It's me Wajeeh Sherazi From Sgd,
4 saal puraana user hon. kya mere ilawa bhi koi old user h yahan??

2655 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!

2655 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!

2655 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

#WohDinGaye Jab Mc pe bht maza ata tha bht se naye or puraany dost hoty thy ab to bht booooring ho gyi h $:32$:$:41$:
2655 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
View it now on your Mobile click on

3042 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Ay Kasheeda Kaar E Azal Tujhy Aitraaz To Nahi....?

Kahin Kahin Se Agar Zindagi Rafoo Ki Jaye....!! <3 <3

3263 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Assalaaam O Alaikum & Jumma Mubarak Have A blessed day
3277 Day(s) ago: Android
Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Ah Why #VoiceUpdate is Not Working..
:( :'(
3292 Day(s) ago: Android

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