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Total 38 Smiles Posted on #AloNe-RJ Trend

Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Education is the best
friend. An educated person
is respected everywhere.
Education beats the
beauty and youth.
3590 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Education is the
movement from darkness
to light.
3590 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Education is the key to
unlock the golden door of
#George Washington
3590 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Education is the most
powerful weapon which
you can use to change the
3590 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

200 sMiles Completed On sMile. Thankx to All Who Stay With Me. ReGards: ABBas_Khan_PTI
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Kindness is the language
which the deaf can hear
and the blind can see.
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

When you have
confidence, you can have a
lot of fun. And when you
have fun, you can do
amazing things.
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

To succeed in life, you
need two things:
ignorance and confidence.
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

Look deep into nature,
and then you will
understand everything
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Abbas Khan Pti @Alone-rj

One of the most beautiful
qualities of true friendship
is to understand and to be
3591 Day(s) ago: Mobile
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