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Total 2 Smiles Posted on #Dawah Trend

I @m Burhan Wani @Burhan.wani

The best method of Da’wah is the personal example. People look at us and conclude Islam by our behavior and not by just by what we preach. We have to be exemplary in our behavior- the way we carry ourselves we convey our message in actions. #dawah

2844 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Muslim313 @Muslim-313

#Dawah #Kashmir
#HafizSaeed #SabazHilaliKashmir
ہم مظلوم کشمیری مسلمانوں کےساتھ ہیں اورانہیں
آزادی ملنےتک ہرلحاظ
سےان کاساتھ دیتےرہیں گے.
3252 Day(s) ago: Mobile
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