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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #IDontCareIf Trend

Ch Arslan @Arslanmukhtar

#IDontCareIf what express and GEO (RAW) is saying, I am Pakistan, I am BOL #start 1st Ramzan
3597 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Virus @Drunk

- #IDontCareIf
I am bad in everyone's eyes....I just want to be good in my parents eyes.... Cause just parents can give real things, and real #love ... Respect your parents and give them to Mich love. In reward you will get respect.

3597 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Virus @Drunk

#IDontCareIf You leave me or be with me .. Because I know here's no one can give enough #love without our parents .. So be real with just your parents .. The ones who are real loveable! Love you Mama, Papa .. ❤+flirtykiss+
3597 Day(s) ago: Mobile

