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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #xhweet Trend

Pagal Billaw @Xhoo-xhweet

Ab KiS Sy KehaiN Or K0n Suny Jw HaaL Tmhary BaaD Hua...:-(
Is DiL Ki JHeeeL C AnkhOn MaiN EK khwAAb BhUuT baRbaaaD HuA... :-( :-(

#poetry #xhweet #luffy #emii #fun #mc #smile #quote #sweetii #madiha #add #sad #love #heart
3978 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Pagal Billaw @Xhoo-xhweet

DonT Luv The PeRSoN WHo EnJoyS ViD U :-)
Luv The PerSoN WHo ReaLLy SufferS ViD U :-*
THE PaiN Ov ReaL Luv Never B DefinE <3 :-)
MorNiNG AwLx :-)

#love #fact #mc #smile #quote #fun #sweetii #xhweet #luffy #emii #poetry #madiha #nice #boy #girl #cool
3979 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Pagal Billaw @Xhoo-xhweet

The ComPaNy Ov GuD PeOPLe iS Lyk ShOp Ov PerFuMe :-)
EvEN If U Buy Or nOt :-)
U WiLL StiLL Get Lot Ov FraGranCe..!!

#meetme #xhweet #madiha #sweetii #emii #nice #decent #mani #frnds #add
3979 Day(s) ago: Mobile

