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M.faruq57 smile profile
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M.faruq (M.faruq57)
Last seen 3441 Day(s) Ago
M.faruq (M.faruq57) has not updated profiles yet!
Smiles 14 Interests 1
M.faruq @M.faruq57

3441 Day(s) ago: SMS
M.faruq @M.faruq57

3555 Day(s) ago: SMS
M.faruq @M.faruq57

#quotes #quotes
nd much m0re 0nly 0n # tagz
3842 Day(s) ago: SMS
M.faruq @M.faruq57

#quotes Sometimes we fight so long over who is right and who is wrong that we forget what is right and what is wrong.
3846 Day(s) ago: SMS
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