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S Ahson AS (Sayaa)
Last seen 859 Day(s) Ago
Male 30 years old,Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: UET Pesh (KPK)
Smiles 133
S Ahson As @Sayaa

Final Destination of the Starting World is the Starting Destination of the Final World

S Ahson AS
3395 Day(s) ago: SMS
S Ahson As @Sayaa

When Allah solves your problems you have faith in His abilities,but when Allah does not solve your problems remember He has faith in your abilities
3405 Day(s) ago: SMS
S Ahson As @Sayaa

knowing str0ng nd unkn0wn weakness of a str0ng nd kn0wn pers0n hiding hs weakness makes u str0ngly str0nger if u r weak...
Kn0wing visible weakness of a weak pers0n clears ur weak strength nd str0ng weakness if u r str0ngly str0ng :)
3569 Day(s) ago: SMS
S Ahson As @Sayaa

jb tak insan ko apny ghalt andazo ka andaza nhe h0jata, wo apny sahe andazo ka andaza k sy laga sakta hai :)
3596 Day(s) ago: SMS
S Ahson As @Sayaa

I prefer Salam over Hi hello etc, do not throw it into my inbox @y0u
3605 Day(s) ago: Web
S Ahson As @Sayaa

Dear Psychology! Answer it!
>How live is the heart of those who are murdered by their mind :?)
>How active is the mind of those who are assassinated by their heart :?)

I'm sure, Psych will fail to answer
3605 Day(s) ago: Web
S Ahson As @Sayaa

I just asked a simple nd light question nd he responded with a single nd heavy answer: "As far as the ans is concerned, It's a billion dollar question!"
3633 Day(s) ago: SMS
S Ahson As @Sayaa

this time @Every1InMC :)

B like so.Show some speciality about ur character before others in order to gain special knowlegde about their character regarding ur speciality :)
3651 Day(s) ago: SMS
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