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Shonabari (Shonabari)
Last seen 3575 Day(s) Ago
Male ,Bahawalpur, Punjab
HeLoW fLeNdS iT's mE AbRAR bARi fRoM bWp d0iNG IcS iNTeRmEdiAtE paRT IsT waNt a Go0d, SiNcEre & g0oWd f.MaLE fReNd 4 a
Smiles 3 Interests 2
Shonabari @Shonabari

3577 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shonabari @Shonabari

#hello Saira Khan I think you don't want to chat with me. You are not replying me.
3583 Day(s) ago: SMS
Shonabari @Shonabari

#hello Saira Khan if you read this message then please reply me I want talk to you.
3583 Day(s) ago: SMS
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