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Muhammad Adnan (Adnan5365)
Last seen 2837 Day(s) Ago
Male 27 years old,Jhelum, Punjab
Last seen 2837 Day(s) Ago
Male 27 years old,Jhelum, Punjab

You Can’t see a Laser Beam in Space:
A #Laser is a highly focused beam of light. So focused, in fact, that none of its photons deviate from their path and enter your eyes, unless they are reflected by particles of dust.
#fact #info #space
A #Laser is a highly focused beam of light. So focused, in fact, that none of its photons deviate from their path and enter your eyes, unless they are reflected by particles of dust.
#fact #info #space
2843 Day(s) ago: Android

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3418 Day(s) ago: Mobile