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Muhammad Ajmal (Ajmal90)
Last seen 2068 Day(s) Ago
Male , 30 years old,Bahawal nagar, Punjab
Last seen 2068 Day(s) Ago
Male , 30 years old,Bahawal nagar, Punjab

Good Morning All friends

A Drop of Lemon Juice Can Spoil Gallons of Milk.
Similarly a Drop of Ego Can Destroy The Beauty of Relation.
Take Care of Your Good Relation
Similarly a Drop of Ego Can Destroy The Beauty of Relation.
Take Care of Your Good Relation

ا سَـــــــلاَمُ عَلَيــْــكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكـَـاتُه

Cos today is your day,
its an opportunity for u to know that
u are special and special things are for u today,
i wish u all the best.
Happy birth day. Love u!
its an opportunity for u to know that
u are special and special things are for u today,
i wish u all the best.
Happy birth day. Love u!
3425 Day(s) ago: Web