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Al-Amin Printers Swabi (AlAminPrinters)
Last seen 1815 Day(s) Ago
Al-Amin Printers Swabi (AlAminPrinters) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 1815 Day(s) Ago
Al-Amin Printers Swabi (AlAminPrinters) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

kia smile k msgs aatay hain ap ko?
reply at 03145758378
reply at 03145758378

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2714 Day(s) ago: Android

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
View it now on your Mobile click on
View it now on your Mobile click on

We will start our sms service very soon inshaAllah.

#GoShehzadKhanGo wow what a trend..really there are a lot problems in smile.and i am surprised, why the #smile don't fix these problems.

Dear members,
Wishing you happy Eid ul Fiter
#Eid mubarik to all of you.may this eid brings alot of hapiness in your life.
-Admin #PhysicsSMS
Wishing you happy Eid ul Fiter
#Eid mubarik to all of you.may this eid brings alot of hapiness in your life.
-Admin #PhysicsSMS

hello everyone.listen to PhysicsSMS by sending LISTEN PhysicsSMS to 8333 and get free knowledge..

For my someone :-)
Wrazy ogdy di loga dera da nahara ba shy,
Ta la wra ye rojy ma nesa bemara ba shy,
Zaan da rojy pa mazigar k dumra ma jora wa,
Rojy da khalqo makroh gunahgara ba shy.