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Last seen 1448 Day(s) Ago
USVA (BeingUSVA) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 1448 Day(s) Ago
USVA (BeingUSVA) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

A good #life is when you #smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have!
Good #Morning
Good #Morning

While you're alive, your worldly self is like a collector of benefits from #ALLAH's bounties which come to you from myriads of hands.

When someone does something that #hurts you, make a #promise to yourself & to #ALLAH Ta’la that you will never do the same thing to anyone else

A #Masjid isn't a social #club or a #museum for perfect people, it's a #hospital for the sinners and a meeting place with #ALLAH.

Farman E Mustafa (Salla Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) Hai,
'BeShak Tumhari Do Aadten Aisi Hain, Ke Jinhen #ALLAH
Ta'ala Pasand Farmata Hai, Wo WAQAR Aur BURDBAR Hain.'
(Sahih Muslim,
Kitab uL Iman,
PaGe 683,
HaDeeS 117)
Farman E Mustafa (Salla Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) Hai,
'BeShak Tumhari Do Aadten Aisi Hain, Ke Jinhen #ALLAH
Ta'ala Pasand Farmata Hai, Wo WAQAR Aur BURDBAR Hain.'
(Sahih Muslim,
Kitab uL Iman,
PaGe 683,
HaDeeS 117)

Farman E Mustafa (Salla Allaho Alaihi Wasallam) Hai:
'Namaz Aik Behtreen Amal Hai, Jo Is Men Izafa Kar Sake To Wo Zaroor Kare.'
JiLD 2,
PaGe 515,
HaDeeS 3505)
Farman E Mustafa (Salla Allaho Alaihi Wasallam) Hai:
'Namaz Aik Behtreen Amal Hai, Jo Is Men Izafa Kar Sake To Wo Zaroor Kare.'
JiLD 2,
PaGe 515,
HaDeeS 3505)

Wo KhayaL Tha Dhanak Numaa,
Ya Koi AKs Tha Meray Ru-Ba-Ru,,!!
Mujhay Har Taraf Say "TU" Laaga,
Ya Koi Or Tha Teray Hu-Ba- Hu...!!
Ya Koi AKs Tha Meray Ru-Ba-Ru,,!!
Mujhay Har Taraf Say "TU" Laaga,
Ya Koi Or Tha Teray Hu-Ba- Hu...!!