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Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi (BestQuotes)
Last seen 2013 Day(s) Ago
Male 30 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
Education at: COMSATS Institute (Islamabad)
If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous.
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Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

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2850 Day(s) ago: Web
Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

2951 Day(s) ago: Web
Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

Enjoy the time you have now, live in this moment, and never look back.

2952 Day(s) ago: Web
Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

No matter how things look, know that God is still in control. Stay in peace, knowing that He will always be with you.

2974 Day(s) ago: Web
Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

God has a more awesome plan for your life than you could ever imagine simply because He loves you!

2974 Day(s) ago: Web
Abdul Ghaffar Qureshi @Bestquotes

Care for yourself & people around you & life wont just be worth living, it’ll be worth dying for. Love yourself. Love others. Just love.

2976 Day(s) ago: Web
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