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Safdar Khoor (FSC)
Last seen 3354 Day(s) Ago
Safdar Khoor (FSC) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 3354 Day(s) Ago
Safdar Khoor (FSC) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

FoLLow @TiGeR_MaXweLL
FoLLow @TiGeR_MaXweLL
3936 Day(s) ago: SMS

>Nice PoetrY
Add alisha.noor
SeNd 03318190483 Par
Best ID Ha Me Ne B Lagaye Ha Ap Bi Lagawo.
Yaha Par New Trix Bi Milti Ha.
To Jaladi
Add alisha.noor
SEND 8333 Par Free
3936 Day(s) ago: SMS

Dear friends
8333 ki Best
Cricket Id add
Add ICCLive
Bilkul free ma add ho gi
ap add kar k enjoy karein.
Yahan Apko
Toss sy ly kar
Man of the Match
tak over by over updates
YaQeen k sath mily gi.
3938 Day(s) ago: SMS

Welcome G ShAhWaDa, is Listening you Now On sMiLe
..MC! Network..
*Ad:Mulke khabery har subha apky mobile par,send AUN on 9033
..MC! Network..
*Ad:Mulke khabery har subha apky mobile par,send AUN on 9033
3938 Day(s) ago: SMS

Safdar Khoor (@MCS) just checked his #Love with Naveed7274
There exists 44% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 44% Love!
Check yours reply GameL

Safdar Khoor (@MCS) just checked his #Love with SALMAN-HACKER
There exists 59% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
There exists 59% Love!
Check yours reply GameL
1 Like
1 Like
3981 Day(s) ago: SMS Game