
Guest652198741 smile profile
Mian Fahad (guest652198741)
Last seen 4096 Day(s) Ago
Mian Fahad (guest652198741) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Over thinking creates a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.

-The average person would have to walk for 2 hours non stop to burn off the calories in one can of Coca Cola.

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#Fact #News
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-The word "Google" was said and seen 62 times during "The Internship."

-Stress is caused by caring, but caring also causes happiness.

-Laughter increases your memory & learning.

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#Fact #News
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Some say the internet negatively affects our mental health, but British researchers have found that people with Internet access are happier.

-In Japan, it is possible to buy watermelons shaped like pyramids.

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#Fact #News
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Some say the internet negatively affects our mental health, but British researchers have found that people with Internet access are happier.

-In Japan, it is possible to buy watermelons shaped like pyramids.

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#Fact #News
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Only two people know the Coca-Cola recipe and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane.

-There are about 255 babies born every minute.

-The world record for longest time without blinking is 30 hours and 12 minutes.

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#Fact #New
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Only two people know the Coca-Cola recipe and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane.

-There are about 255 babies born every minute.

-The world record for longest time without blinking is 30 hours and 12 minutes.

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#Fact #New
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Only two people know the Coca-Cola recipe and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane.

-There are about 255 babies born every minute.

-The world record for longest time without blinking is 30 hours and 12 minutes.

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#Fact #New
4304 Day(s) ago: Web
Mian Fahad @Guest652198741 via Facts Around World @Fact

-Only two people know the Coca-Cola recipe and they are not allowed to travel on the same plane.

-There are about 255 babies born every minute.

-The world record for longest time without blinking is 30 hours and 12 minutes.

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#Fact #New
4304 Day(s) ago: Web

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