
Islamian58 smile profile
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Shah Mehmood Khan Momand (Islamian58)
Last seen 2675 Day(s) Ago
Male 35 years old,Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Education at: Islamia College Uni (KPK)
Shah Mehmood Momand Beuru Chief Monthly "Sports Plus" and "Khyber Star" President M.A.C.A.(Detail are on this link

Love You Rida Anmol....
Miss You My life..

2676 Day(s) ago: Web

In Dinga Galle, Muree road........

3128 Day(s) ago: Web

My Pic, On Road From ATA Bazar to Ghandhab.....
3345 Day(s) ago: Web

My pic, Tribal Hostel Islamia college Peshawar in 2006

3375 Day(s) ago: Web

Meeting for Separation of DI Khan, Tank, Banu and Kohat From FATA, and established two other districts i.e FR and Orakzai...
Thanks To Shahji Gul and All FATA MNAs, who help us and Minister prepare Summery for further process....
We are with Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada

3414 Day(s) ago: Web

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
View it now on your Mobile click on

3631 Day(s) ago: Web

"Mat toot ke chaho ussay
agahaz-e-muhabbat me..,


Us ne 'SiM' Ki Verifaction Na KrwAi to kya kro gy?

#Happy #Sim #Biometric Days
3631 Day(s) ago: Web

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