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ALI (juicylipsboy)
Last seen 2452 Day(s) Ago
Male 24 years old,Karachi, Sindh
I'm Ali shinawar i live in Tehran I'm 15
Smiles 787 Friends 108Listeners 26Interests 48
Ali @Juicylipsboy

2536 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

hi friends how are you
2918 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

2920 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

hy , WhatsApp 03404285918
3048 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
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3052 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

3057 Day(s) ago: Android
Ali @Juicylipsboy

ALI (@Blue_eYEs98) just checked his #Love with NOMI
There exists 52% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
4201 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Ali @Juicylipsboy

ALI (@Blue_eYEs98) just checked his #Love with IRFAN
There exists 62% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
4201 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
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