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Majid PriNzO (LoveQuotes)
Last seen 3167 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Bahawal nagar, Punjab
Education at: LUMS (Punjab)
Majid PriNzO Here, From The Lovely City BahawalNagar!
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

I Have A Reason Why I Love You And It Is Connected To Beauty.
I Love You Not Because You Possess Beauty But Because After Coming Into My Life,
You Have Turned My Life Into Beauty.. <3
#Love #Quotes
3186 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

I'm Not The Prettiest,
I'll Get Mad,
Piss You Off,
We'll Have Our Fights.
But I Can Love You Like Nobody Else Can.
#Love #Quotes
3186 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

When You Really Matter To Someone,
That Person Will Always Make Time For You.
No Excuses,
No Lies,
And No Broken Promises.
3186 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

There's a theory that says that the majority of singles at the moment are people who are in love with someone they cannot have.
3186 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

Being so comfortable with someone that u can say anything and it's not awkward is honestly one of the best feelings in the world.
3187 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

May The Guidance And Blessings Of ALLAH Be With You All In This Night And Always.
3188 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

It's so weird thinking back to when you first met someone and that moment you had no idea they would have such a big impact on you.
3193 Day(s) ago: Android
Majid Prinzo @Lovequotes

When you really miss someone, you miss the little things the most, like just laughing together.
3306 Day(s) ago: Android

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