
Mr.aqeeljutt smile profile
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Aqeel Hassan (mr.aqeeljutt)
Last seen 3024 Day(s) Ago
Male 28 years old,Faisalabad, Punjab
Education at: COMSATS Institute (Islamabad)
I am selfish, Impatient, and a Little Insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of Control, and at times hard to handle.!\nI
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt

3437 Day(s) ago: Web
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt

3437 Day(s) ago: Web
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt via Haaniya @Gullrukh

Aslam O Alikum

It's My #Pray:
When U Wake up,
Ur Sorrows, Tensions & Worries Go to Sleep 4Ever.
""" (Aameen) """

Hv a nice day....:-)
Stay Blessed all & keep smiling always..:-)

3437 Day(s) ago: Web
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt

True that!

3451 Day(s) ago: Web
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt via .......... @Ummmuah

No doubt!

3523 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt via Iqra @Buttterfly

When yOu Get a Free Wifi In an UnKnOwn PlacE
YoU aRe LikE.........

Koiii Mujh kO yOunh Milaa Hai JaosSy BanjAray kO GhaR.... :P:P
3523 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt via Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

Party convention: #Imran says he knows his party ideologues.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Sunday stoutly defended some of his party stalwarts against allegations of vote-buying, arguing that he alone would decide who among his party was an ideologue or not.

3523 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Aqeel Hassan @Mr.aqeeljutt

For every problem in life:
There is a Verse in Quran!! :)
3538 Day(s) ago: Mobile

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