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Smile (nAbbas.)
Last seen 3389 Day(s) Ago
Female 30 years old,Faisalabad, Punjab
Education at: Air Uni (Islamabad)
Last seen 3389 Day(s) Ago
Female 30 years old,Faisalabad, Punjab
Education at: Air Uni (Islamabad)

*""MuJhY GiLaaS K AnDr Hi QaiD RaKh WarNa""*
*""MaiN SarY Sheher Ka PaNi SharaB KR DoN Gi...
> ShaRe it
*""MuJhY GiLaaS K AnDr Hi QaiD RaKh WarNa""*
*""MaiN SarY Sheher Ka PaNi SharaB KR DoN Gi...
> ShaRe it

GhalTi #Ma'AaF hY
(-_- Ji -_-)
#BeWaFai Nahiiii . . . ?
(-_- Ji -_-)
#BeWaFai Nahiiii . . . ?


3609 Day(s) ago: Web

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
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3609 Day(s) ago: Web

=>' RaQas Karta NaZar Aata Hai GalliYon Mein Aaj Kal.........,'*
=>' IsHaQ AaM Sa
Ho GaYa Hai GhurBat Ki TaraH
=>' IsHaQ AaM Sa
Ho GaYa Hai GhurBat Ki TaraH
3609 Day(s) ago: Web

=>' BoHat HoO Gaii JaNG BuSs BuSs BuSs AeYe IsHaQ..........,'*
=>' TujhYe FataH
MuBarak Meri ShiKast HOwi
=>' TujhYe FataH
MuBarak Meri ShiKast HOwi
3609 Day(s) ago: Web

=>' AGar P0ra ZaMana MeRa HoTa Na.........,'*
=>' PHir BHi HuM Tere He HotY............!!
=>' PHir BHi HuM Tere He HotY............!!
3609 Day(s) ago: Web

"+....DEkha TUjHe tO ChaanD BHi SHrma k Reh GaYa,
QUrbaaN JaiYE
TErY HUsaaN'O'JmaaL Par....+"
QUrbaaN JaiYE
TErY HUsaaN'O'JmaaL Par....+"
3609 Day(s) ago: Web

nO tImE WasTe
wRiTe LISTEN QuRaT_UL_AiN Snd 8333
AnD ReCevE
N0 ADD N0 BakWaS
Ap Q Ni BtAt
3609 Day(s) ago: Web