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Nouman Ali Dahri (Nouman924)
Last seen 2671 Day(s) Ago
Male 33 years old,Hyderabad, Sindh
Education at: Mehran Uni of Eng (Sindh)
I am happiest boy, I am just amazing
Smiles 5 Listeners 1Interests 12
Nouman Ali Dahri @Nouman924

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!

2674 Day(s) ago: Android
Nouman Ali Dahri @Nouman924

Everyone has so many untold stories
2674 Day(s) ago: Android
Nouman Ali Dahri @Nouman924

#AgarPakistanMay log insaaf pasand hojayen to ye mulk sudhar jaye.
3016 Day(s) ago: Android
Nouman Ali Dahri @Nouman924

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
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3016 Day(s) ago: Android
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