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Tauseef Ahmad (Rah-e-jannat)
Last seen 3175 Day(s) Ago
Male 28 years old,Gujranwala, Punjab
My ideology is islam and My identity is Pakistan.....
Last seen 3175 Day(s) Ago
Male 28 years old,Gujranwala, Punjab
My ideology is islam and My identity is Pakistan.....

#Mahabat wo Khobsourat rishta hy jis sey aap Khuda ko pahchan sakte hy,,,,,,

مفہوم حدیث:
رمضان کا پہلا عشرہ رحمت ہے، دوسرا عشرہ مغفرت اور آخری عشرہ جہنم سے آزادی ہے
(صحیح ابن خزیمہ،
جلد 3، صفحہ 191،
حدیث 1887،
رمضان کا پہلا عشرہ رحمت ہے، دوسرا عشرہ مغفرت اور آخری عشرہ جہنم سے آزادی ہے
(صحیح ابن خزیمہ،
جلد 3، صفحہ 191،
حدیث 1887،

“Try To Present Yourself That
You Are HAPPY,
Slowly It Becomes
Your Habit
Finally It Becomes
Your Character.”

“Try To Present Yourself That
You Are HAPPY,
Slowly It Becomes
Your Habit
Finally It Becomes
Your Character.”

3579 Day(s) ago: Web

Hadees :
insan ka har amal 10 Guna se 700 Guna tak bal k Es se ziada bhe Jitna ALLAH chahain Deta hay, Siwaye Rozay k ALLAH farmata hay Roza Khas Mere Liye Hay aor Main Khud Eska Badla Don ga, kion k Banda Meri Khatir Khuwahishat aor Khana Chorta hay
(ibne Maja
insan ka har amal 10 Guna se 700 Guna tak bal k Es se ziada bhe Jitna ALLAH chahain Deta hay, Siwaye Rozay k ALLAH farmata hay Roza Khas Mere Liye Hay aor Main Khud Eska Badla Don ga, kion k Banda Meri Khatir Khuwahishat aor Khana Chorta hay
(ibne Maja
3593 Day(s) ago: Web

assalam u alaikum ,,,,
prayer is the key of the day and the lock of the night,,,,
Subha Bakhair,,,,
get more type listen rah-e-jannat nd send it to 8333 one,,,
jazak ALLAH
prayer is the key of the day and the lock of the night,,,,
Subha Bakhair,,,,

get more type listen rah-e-jannat nd send it to 8333 one,,,
jazak ALLAH
3593 Day(s) ago: Web

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3595 Day(s) ago: Web