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RoYaL KaMBoH (RoYaL657)
Last seen 2314 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Okara, Punjab
Education at: Uni of Management (Punjab)
Kamboh Ittihad Force.
Last seen 2314 Day(s) Ago
Male 29 years old,Okara, Punjab
Education at: Uni of Management (Punjab)
Kamboh Ittihad Force.

اسے عشق تھا میری ذات سے
مجھے عمر بھر ،، یہ گماں رہا
مجھے عمر بھر ،، یہ گماں رہا

It is very sadly announced that my beloved czn has been died today in road accident.. (اناللہ وانا الیہ راجعون) May Allah rest his Soul in piece and forgive him and bless him with His Mercy Ameen...

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ID: Zubair657
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ID: Zubair657
Friends: 175
Listeners: 5
Balance: Rs.3315.110
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“Islam doesn't ask you to cover your eyes, but to guard them.”

“Pay the hired worker his wages before his sweat dries”

If a person repents sincerely, he cannot derive any feelings of pleasure or enjoyment when he remembers his past sins,

Trials keep you Strong!!
Failure keeps you Humble!!
Success keeps you Glowing!!
But only Faith keeps you Going!
Failure keeps you Humble!!
Success keeps you Glowing!!
But only Faith keeps you Going!