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RuDe.PrInCesS smile profile
Muqadas (RuDe.PrInCesS)
Last seen 2949 Day(s) Ago
Female , 21 years old,Karachi, Sindh
Asalam o alaikum...em muqads 21y old 4rm karachi..
Smiles 6,186 Interests 18
Muqadas @Rude.princess

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3604 Day(s) ago: Web
Muqadas @Rude.princess

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3604 Day(s) ago: Web
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with Arham,s Aunty
There exists 54% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with TIIAN.GRLL
There exists 34% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with Parishe
There exists 14% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with AMI JAN
There exists 31% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with PARVEEN
There exists 23% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Muqadas @Rude.princess

Muqadas (@RuDe.PrInCesS) just checked her #Love with Maya
There exists 83% Love!

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3620 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
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