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SMaCkEr-EM0 smile profile
kHaaM0xH (SMaCkEr-EM0)
Last seen 1974 Day(s) Ago
Male 19 years old,Sargodha, Punjab
Education at: Uni of Sargodha (USS) (Punjab)
D0n't CheCk My Pr0fiLE , G0 Gett A Life .. :-p
Smiles 776
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

Xaibaaan (@KrAzZzY-PwINxH) just checked his #Love with B3autiifull
There exists 27% Love!

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3705 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

Xaibaaan (@KrAzZzY-PwINxH) just checked his #Love with Wild-catty
There exists 53% Love!

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3705 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

Xaibaaan (@KrAzZzY-PwINxH) just checked his #Love with DJ.PRNIA
There exists 51% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
3705 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

Xaibaaan (@KrAzZzY-PwINxH) just checked his #Love with Turfa
There exists 31% Love!

Check yours reply GameL
3705 Day(s) ago: SMS Game
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

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3738 Day(s) ago: Web
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

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3821 Day(s) ago: Web
Khaam0xh @Smacker-em0

'_=>_CLaSSICalL P0ETrY & Qu0TES HaaSIL KrNy k lLIYE Follow Dexter420 LIkH Kr 9033 Pr xSEND KrEIN Or GETT OWXuMEh P0ETrY & Qu0TES ETC,,"_;-)
3826 Day(s) ago: Web
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