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sajid ajmal (SaDKhAn)
Last seen 3436 Day(s) Ago
sajid ajmal (SaDKhAn) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Last seen 3436 Day(s) Ago
sajid ajmal (SaDKhAn) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!

shakespear said:
Every heart has a pain.
Only the way of expressing it is different.
Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...
hello every one ramazan mubarak
Every heart has a pain.
Only the way of expressing it is different.
Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...
hello every one ramazan mubarak

Strong people always have their life in order even with tears in their eyes .they still maneger to say "" I am okay "" with a smile !!!!!!!!!!! goodnight to allll have asweet dream ....

uuffgf ye sardi aor barf bari ya Allah KHair bardash ke bahir sardi aor snow falling
4066 Day(s) ago: Web

Forgiveness is the noblest revenge.
Make peace with others and fight with your own faults
Make peace with others and fight with your own faults

4089 Day(s) ago: Web

shakespear said:
Every heart has a pain.
Only the way of expressing it is different.
Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...
Every heart has a pain.
Only the way of expressing it is different.
Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...