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sajid ajmal (SaDKhAn)
Last seen 3436 Day(s) Ago
sajid ajmal (SaDKhAn) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

shakespear said:
Every heart has a pain.

Only the way of expressing it is different.

Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...
hello every one ramazan mubarak
3568 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

updat testing
3568 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

updated profiles picture on Smile!
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3777 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

Strong people always have their life in order even with tears in their eyes .they still maneger to say "" I am okay "" with a smile !!!!!!!!!!! goodnight to allll have asweet dream ....
4049 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

uuffgf ye sardi aor barf bari ya Allah KHair bardash ke bahir sardi aor snow falling
4066 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan via Smile @Ismiley

Forgiveness is the noblest revenge.
Make peace with others and fight with your own faults
<3 Choco <3
4089 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan

shakespear said:
Every heart has a pain.

Only the way of expressing it is different.

Fools hide it in eyes, while brilliant hide it in their smile...
4089 Day(s) ago: Web
Sajid Ajmal @Sadkhan via Hijaab @Hijaab

The Qur'an is the only medicine
ou can never overdose on. <3
4096 Day(s) ago: Web

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