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Sarfraz Ahmad (Sarfraz59)
Last seen 2815 Day(s) Ago
Male , 30 years old,Lahore, Punjab
Education at: Allama Iqbal Open Uni (Islamabad)
03214219862 Never trust someone who lies to you. Never lie to someone who trusts you.
Last seen 2815 Day(s) Ago
Male , 30 years old,Lahore, Punjab
Education at: Allama Iqbal Open Uni (Islamabad)
03214219862 Never trust someone who lies to you. Never lie to someone who trusts you.

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3067 Day(s) ago: Web

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ye Chiryan Aap se Request krne i hen
K Garmi ka Mousam Shuru ho raha hai
Plz Hum Prindon k Lye Apne Gharon ki Chhaton Pe Pani k Bartan Bhar k Rakh Dia kren
is k Badle "ALLAH" Ap k Rizq me Izafa krega
4000 Day(s) ago: Mobile

Quote of the Day
Quote: Practice Sunnah with patience: stop where the companions had stopped, say as they had said and abstain from what they had abstained from. What was sufficient for them, can be sufficient for you.
Scholar: 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn 'Amr Al-Awzaa'ee
Quote: Practice Sunnah with patience: stop where the companions had stopped, say as they had said and abstain from what they had abstained from. What was sufficient for them, can be sufficient for you.
Scholar: 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn 'Amr Al-Awzaa'ee

Assalamu Alaikum!
Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu. May Peace and blessings be upon you.

"Having a Smile on your Face is a Good Compliment to Life ;
But Putting a Smile on other's Face By Your Efforts is the Best Compliment to Life.
Good Mrng :-)
But Putting a Smile on other's Face By Your Efforts is the Best Compliment to Life.
Good Mrng :-)

I Can See You
In My Hands.
Whenever I Join Them To Pray.
Ur Face Is
One Of Those Who Live In
My Heart.
Because Our ReLation Is From
Heart To Heart,
So, Whenever I Don't Message You Don't Think That I Have Forgotten You...
I Remember U Ever
In My Hands.
Whenever I Join Them To Pray.
Ur Face Is
One Of Those Who Live In
My Heart.
Because Our ReLation Is From
Heart To Heart,
So, Whenever I Don't Message You Don't Think That I Have Forgotten You...
I Remember U Ever

Liking you is my nature
Missing you is my disappointment
Fighting with you is my Time pass…
Forgetting you is never in my life time.
Good Morning/Good Night
Missing you is my disappointment
Fighting with you is my Time pass…
Forgetting you is never in my life time.
Good Morning/Good Night