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Last seen 2973 Day(s) Ago
Male 23 years old
TCIT is a web on Telecommunication & Information Technology. Also provides you useful information, codes and tricks
Last seen 2973 Day(s) Ago
Male 23 years old
TCIT is a web on Telecommunication & Information Technology. Also provides you useful information, codes and tricks
ek behtareen online #Pashto #dictionary ha jis se aap English words ko Pashto main translate karsakty haen translated words ko roman ma asani se parh b sakty hain.
is k developer Abdul Muqsit ny India se mbillion award b jeeta ha.
Is ki Android
ek behtareen online #Pashto #dictionary ha jis se aap English words ko Pashto main translate karsakty haen translated words ko roman ma asani se parh b sakty hain.
is k developer Abdul Muqsit ny India se mbillion award b jeeta ha.
Is ki Android

World’s Cheapest Smartphone Launches in India for $4
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#Facebook owner #MarkZuckerberg building Artificial Intelligence.

#Internet Service Providers(ISPs) all over Pakistan have been ordered to block access to a list of over 400,000 pornographic websites.
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