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Last seen 3441 Day(s) Ago
Male 32 years old,Islamabad, Islamabad
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#NASA uses microwave #Technology to detect heartbeats of #people stuck under #Nepal #Earthquake.

You might think having more #sex will make you happier, but a new #study argues it could do the opposite. Having more sex DOESN'T make you happier: Scientists claim too much time in the bedroom can make you miserable.
3602 Day(s) ago: Mobile

"There will be no Windows 11, Windows 10 would be the "last version" of the dominant desktop software.
#WINDOW #WINDOW10 #software #os #microsoft #computer #it
#WINDOW #WINDOW10 #software #os #microsoft #computer #it
3602 Day(s) ago: Mobile

Google is developing Self Flying Planes. Head of Google's Project Wing has said passenger aircraft should be controlled by drones rather than human pilots as it would improve safety.
3603 Day(s) ago: Mobile

ESA Wants to colonise the far side of the #moon that could perform key #science and #experiments and observing the #universe without interference from #Earth