
Xav13r smile profile
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Logan (XaV13R)
Last seen 3488 Day(s) Ago
Logan (XaV13R) Don't Share Profiles Information with Public!
Logan @Xav13r via Guriya @Guriya22

#Hello Let's make a #dua for those who's studying for exams. If u make the effort Insha'Allah your results will be great.May #Allah reward yr efforts! Ameen
3616 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r via Wajeeh Ul Hassan @Nadaaanprince

Bey'FaiDa Hai ZeeSat MeiN AhBaAaB Ka HaJo0oM

Ho PaiKaR E KhalLo0oS tO KaFi Hai Aik ShaKs..!

Farhan Dhool
3617 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r

I don't know
how you say good-bye
to whom and what you
I don't know a
painless way to do it,
don't know the words to
capture a heart so full
and a longing so intense.
3618 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r via Guriya @Guriya22

Cold weather is the perfect excuse for
"Halwa" :P
3619 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r

Just updated profiles picture on Smile!
View it now on your Mobile click on

3620 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r

3620 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r

Our body is full of water,
But whenever it hurts, Blood comes out….
and Our heart is full of blood
But whenever it hurts…. Tears come out
3622 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Logan @Xav13r via Science @Discover

In the coming years, several unmanned missions, communication satellites & rovers will be sent to Mars for making a reliable living environment for the astronauts when they leave Earth in 2024.

#mars #planet #world life #
3666 Day(s) ago: Mobile

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