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Total 130 Smiles Posted on #Ap Trend

Ali Mahdi @Shiasmsglt

We #NeverForgetAPSMartyrs
You Are Living Our Hearts. But Sorry Kids Your Killers Couldn't have been Hanged Even They Enjoying State Protocol..
#APS #Pakistan #APSAttack
2653 Day(s) ago: SMS
Rohail Sultan @Iamrohailsultan

‏مت سمجھو ھم نے بھلا دیا #APS

2653 Day(s) ago: Android
Rohail Sultan @Iamrohailsultan

#16December2014Tragedy, the form of human suffering either though painful or experience or sight is inescapable. Who can forget the devastating Tragedy of Army Public School #APS Peshawar. Pakistan still remembers You. You will always be in our hearts. #APSAttackPeshawa

2653 Day(s) ago: Android
Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

We Will never forget them
They went to school and never came back.

Pray for those innocent kids...
2653 Day(s) ago: Android
Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

Saniha #Aps #Peshawar 16 December 2014 Say Ly Kar Ab Tak , Aap Pak Army Ki Terrorists K Khilaaf Karwai Say Mutmain Hain....?
Yes 18 Vote(s)95%
No 1 Vote(s)6%

3018 Day(s) ago: Android
Mr.perfect @Ffc.sdk

Hamara Khoon Bhi Shamil Hai Taza'ieney Gulistan Mein,*

Hamey Be Yaad Kar Lena Chaman Mein Jab Bahar Aaye.!

#APS #BlackDay16December2014

3018 Day(s) ago: Web
Amir Mushtaq @Aamiir1

#Saniha 16 December 2014....;(
Yom e Taleem....
#Shuhada #Aps #Peshawar Ki Yaad Me 16 #December Ko Chuti Honi Chaahye....?

Yes 4 Vote(s)25%
No 12 Vote(s)75%

3019 Day(s) ago: Android

