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Total 35 Smiles Posted on #AppLe Trend

Asm @Sspod

#apple zindagii tu he kahannnnn
3383 Day(s) ago: Mobile
... @Hassii

When an #APPLE becomes red…
It is ready to eat,

When a #Girl becomes 18 she is ready to..
VOTE…!! :P
never Think Dirty

3407 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

#Mother is the thing, when you have 3 #apples and you are 4.

And then your Mother say, "I don't like Apples."

3438 Day(s) ago: SMS
Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

#Apple ups hiring, but faces obstacles to making phones smarter.
Apple has ramped up its hiring of artificial intelligence experts, recruiting from PhD programs, posting dozens of job listings and greatly increasing the size of its AI staff, a review of hiring sites suggests and numerous sources confirm.

3483 Day(s) ago: Web
Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

#Samsung to appeal to #US Supreme Court in #Apple patent case.
South Korean technology company Samsung is filing a petition to the US Supreme Court in its long-running patent infringement case against Apple, according to court documents.

3502 Day(s) ago: Web
Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

#Apple pushed down to 3rd in China smartphones for Q2
SHANGHAI: Two #Chinese smartphone makers pushed US technology giant Apple into third place in the world’s biggest market in the second quarter, an independent analyst firm said Monday.

3519 Day(s) ago: Web
Current Affairs On Smile @Currentaffairs

#Apple 'fake factory' shutdown in #China.
BEIJING: Police in Beijing have busted a factory that produced more than 41,000 fake iPhones worth as much as 120 million yuan ($19 million), including some that reached the United States, and have arrested nine suspects in the counterfeiting operation.

3525 Day(s) ago: Web

Ab #Intel,
#Apple, #Google or
#Microsoft Ne Mil Kr
USB-C Ijaad Kiya Hy,
Iski Data Transfer Ki
Speed 10 GB Hy.
3596 Day(s) ago: SMS

