Total 6 Smiles Posted on #ApsPeshawar Trend

#BlackDay 16Dec2014
#Today we Are #Celebrating the #Blackday.
The day on which the Cowerd #terrorists #Attacked #Aps #Peshawar.
The Massage on this to All My Brothers And Sisters is that #we Not #Forgotten you
#Today we Are #Celebrating the #Blackday.
The day on which the Cowerd #terrorists #Attacked #Aps #Peshawar.
The Massage on this to All My Brothers And Sisters is that #we Not #Forgotten you

میں اپنا جسم بھی دُشمن کو دُوں گا تمغے میں
میں پہلی صف سے ذرا آگے مارا جاؤں گا
میں پہلی صف سے ذرا آگے مارا جاؤں گا