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Muhammad Ateeq Ahmad @Princetrixsz

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3433 Day(s) ago: Web
Muhammad Ateeq Ahmad @Princetrixsz

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3860 Day(s) ago: SMS
Atiq Malik @Atiqmalik

#AtiQ Malik ViA EiD: Life with all its pomp and show, vanity and snobbery, challanges and passion fleets beyond one's control, but the days like Eid come a brief moment of peace, sigh and solace, wishing you and your family happy Eid#...
3895 Day(s) ago: SMS
Muhammad Ateeq Ahmad @Princetrixsz

#PriNce_TrixSz -
Aaj Waa'n TaiGH-0-KaFan BaanDHE Hovy JaTa H00n MEin..
Uzar MErE QaTal KarnE MEin Wo Ab LaEin GE Kya.?..
3940 Day(s) ago: SMS

