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Total 8 Smiles Posted on #Beautifull Trend

Mumtaz Ahmad @Mumtaz.7

Good Morning Sweet #Beautifull Grials And #Popular Birather & Un ki sistars #Good_Morning nice Day...
JustTyp Follow (space) @Trixs_Fast sand 4040,4 Enjoy Daly Trixs Free
3628 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Fawad Khan @Rockxtar

#Sweet Raho “Toffee” Ki Tarha
#Fresh Raho “Close Up” Ki Tarha
#Beautifull Raho “Fair & Lovely” Ki Tarha
#Smart Raho Ofcourse “Meri” Tarha.
“Have A Nice Day”
“Assalam o Alaikum”
#GooD #MorninG
3746 Day(s) ago: Web
Humza @Syckoo

-If u DnT WanNa 2 Get Hurt Ever

- ALwayS #DeSire For a #BeAuTifulL #Heart & #sOuL
InSteAd Ov a
BeaUtIfulL #FaCe
& AtTraCtiVe #eYeS.. :)
3968 Day(s) ago: SMS
Unknown @9xblacktiger9x

Sometimes We Maintain #SiLenCe tO PrOteCt A StrOnG & #beaUtifulL #ReLatiOn .
T0o MuCH SiLenCe Creates DiffrnCe In BeaUtifuL RelatiOns .

#quotes #mc
3981 Day(s) ago: SMS
Smile a product of MC Network (Pvt) Ltd.
