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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #CHRistiaNS Trend

Arohi @Arohi

World T0P 6 #Religons:
1 #Christians:32%
2 #Muslims:24%
3 #Hindus:13%
4 #Buddhists:6%
5 #Sikhs0.5%
6 #Jews:0.02%

Good Morning
3900 Day(s) ago: Mobile
John Ghourii @Aarish.-john


- #hAPpY #EASteR To ALl #CHRistiaNS #FRieNDs .......<3

- MAY THiS #EVeNT BRiNG LOt's Ov #hAPpINeSs & #joYFUlL MoMENtS IN Ur #liFe....!!_;-)

3919 Day(s) ago: SMS
Umer Shahzad @Greatestquotes

I Strongly condemn #Peshawar blast. Minorities have equal rights in #Islamic state its not abt #christians died its about #Pakistanis being killed :-(
4128 Day(s) ago: SMS
Tahir @Dashing-boy

The leading #religion of the world is num of #Christians belonging 2 all sects is about 1,928 million.second largest religion of the world is #islam.the total num of Muslims in world is 1,100 million #info #quote #gk #smile #meetme #trix #love #poetr
4160 Day(s) ago: SMS
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