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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #ChildAbuse Trend

Shabbir Ali Shah @Nasamaj

Kya Kameeny or begerat log hain, hmary hukumran, phansi k bjaye wo gang k head ko bacha rahy hain.
Ahad via
Your Interest
ye h parrha likha Punjab
ye h #RoshanPakistan
nora.cracy sucks
#Kasur #ChildAbuse
3207 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Haroon Khan @Haroonhabib

We lost 141 children in the APS attack and we lost 280 children in this rape scandal.
One 6 year old boy was forced to perform a homosexual act.10 year old schoolgirl was raped and it was filmed by a 14 year old boy'
3208 Day(s) ago: Web
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