Total 23 Smiles Posted on #CrushTTP Trend

Hats off 2 Daar as He always looked after 2 d poors & needy people like him & #NS
#IshauqeDaar approved 6.5billion subsidy for sugar mills owners #DharnaGoneMehangaiOn #PTI #CrushTTP
Hats off 2 Daar as He always looked after 2 d poors & needy people like him & #NS
#IshauqeDaar approved 6.5billion subsidy for sugar mills owners #DharnaGoneMehangaiOn #PTI #CrushTTP
3737 Day(s) ago: SMS

#NationStandsWithPakArmy - Largest air mission strikes terror in terrorists' dens http://t.co/YgxTeXowKH/s/in_y
#NationStandsWithPakArmy - Largest air mission strikes terror in terrorists' dens http://t.co/YgxTeXowKH/s/in_y
3744 Day(s) ago: SMS

I personally don't like Altaf & his speech, but today nobody can deny the facts which He revealed today.
I personally don't like Altaf & his speech, but today nobody can deny the facts which He revealed today.
3744 Day(s) ago: Mobile

ya Allah o farshta kahan h jo bstiyan ulat'ta tha?Ya Allah koi Umar(R.A) hmre nasib me nhe to koi Halaku e hm pr musalt krde k ik sath 20crore khoprion ka minar bana de.Ya Allah ab mazid thora thora nhn mara jata #CrushTTP #WeAreStandWithPakArmy #GoNawazGo
ya Allah o farshta kahan h jo bstiyan ulat'ta tha?Ya Allah koi Umar(R.A) hmre nasib me nhe to koi Halaku e hm pr musalt krde k ik sath 20crore khoprion ka minar bana de.Ya Allah ab mazid thora thora nhn mara jata #CrushTTP #WeAreStandWithPakArmy #GoNawazGo

@GeOkHi: Any Mullah, #Journalist or #Politician showing soft corner for extremists should be shut up & put in jail for lifetime #CrushTTP
3746 Day(s) ago: SMS

Kinza2131: SaNaM:
ان کو حوریں عطا کرے کوئی ..
خونِ مسلم بہا کے آئے ہیں.....