Total 149 Smiles Posted on #Dailygem Trend

Ya Allah accept our efforts and grant ease to all those that are suffering around the world.
Ya Allah accept our efforts and grant ease to all those that are suffering around the world.

Ya Allah accept our efforts and grant ease to all those that are suffering around the world.
Ya Allah accept our efforts and grant ease to all those that are suffering around the world.

Focus on pleasing Allah, not on pleasing everyone around.No matter what you do, you cannot please the entire world.
Focus on pleasing Allah, not on pleasing everyone around.No matter what you do, you cannot please the entire world.

Do not do good deeds so that people mention you. The true believer hides his good deeds just as he hides his sins.
Do not do good deeds so that people mention you. The true believer hides his good deeds just as he hides his sins.

Be wary of those who have a whole set of rules for others but follow none of their own rules. They pretend to be what they're not
Be wary of those who have a whole set of rules for others but follow none of their own rules. They pretend to be what they're not

If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more...Qur'an 14:7
How often do we thank Allah for His blessings on us?
If you are grateful, I would certainly give you more...Qur'an 14:7
How often do we thank Allah for His blessings on us?

Some people just love pushing others down. Don't worry about them. They are powerless to stop what Allah ﷻ has planned for you.
Some people just love pushing others down. Don't worry about them. They are powerless to stop what Allah ﷻ has planned for you.