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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #DeSeRvE Trend

Areebah @Areebah

We Accept The #Love We Think We #Deserve..
3372 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hassan Khan @Khan-hassan

NeVeR AllOw ur SeLf tO bE So #DeSpErAtE ThAT u EnD uP SeTTliNg FoR FaR LeSs ThAn WhAt u #DeSeRvE.
3555 Day(s) ago: SMS
Naqeeb17 @Naqeeb17

Those #Dutch boys played excellently well.

They #deserve a #special #Trophy as #Moral booster.



& i was favouring keviz

bkoz they were easier than Srilanka in the Semiz.

Well thatx the past,

now, win 2morrow n then u'll be able 2 play sm1

3920 Day(s) ago: Web
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