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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #Educati0n Trend

Meia Aliza Shan @Alizashan

whts the differnce b/w amine and imine....??? Any b0dy in the smile ntwrk.... Can txt me at 03028366264.
3307 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ayesha No0r @No0rii

"#Nature Is M0re
P0werFul Than
#Educati0n.. :-)


4050 Day(s) ago: SMS
Faisal @Aab-shar

We are not only #individuals, but also members of one another: #educati0n shud make a man n0t only an upstanding individual, but a useful member of #society. ( What Life Has Taught Me. Bertrand Russel )
4219 Day(s) ago: SMS
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