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Total 25 Smiles Posted on #Emptiness Trend

Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

mY DEsTiNaTI0n iS My "GoAL"
mY g0aL Is MY

By: Al0nE AnGeL
3845 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

TuNEy MeRi jaNaw
KaBhI NAi jaNaw
iShQ MErA. . .
DaRd mErA. . .
AaSHiq tERa BhEd mEH Kh0yA ReHtA HAy
jaNeY JAhaN KyUn cHUp iTna rEhtA HAy"
3845 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

a BiT I LikE to UsE Mc BetTer tHAn F.B
CaUsE. . .
thErE aRe S0mE ReaL pErS0n In ThIs s0ciAL NEtwOrK to bEHaLf
thEN. . .
3854 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

EgGo Is thE VirUs. . .
Its cAN eAsLy BrEAKe ReALatIOn shIp wIth y0uR L0vE OnCe. . .
So Be AWarE;-)
3854 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi


SahiL_HaShMi: updated profiles picture on Smile!
To view it on your Mobile click on
3867 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ali_waris @Zohaib-abbas

ANY ONe there Hello0o
3877 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

t0dAys iS thE LasT AftaaR oF LaSt DaY of RaMZaN rEmEMBeR ME in y0uR Duaa's
wEb...SaY OnlINe h0nNy waLo k0o CrEdit kI KYa tENsti0n ;-)
haVe guD DAy
3887 Day(s) ago: SMS
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

mOm SaId No RaCe
i DoN'T LiSTeN. . .

I LiKe to dO RIdINg 0N A t0p sPeEd oN ThE waY I WAnT TO Go
3889 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi


aKsAr MeRe AaNKhaIN y0oUnhe He NaMm sI HoJAtI


jAb v s0Ch LEtE HAy kAbHi tUJhE Toh KaBi tEri yAado Ko
3889 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Al0ne_angel @Sahil_hashmi

iSs DiL-e-NAdaN Ki aKHrI KhAWAsh ToH thI TuM SaY miLNa


aGAr MUmKiN Ho0 sAKaY mILnA t0h AKhRi SAanS sAy phEL MiL JAna
3889 Day(s) ago: Mobile

