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Total 6 Smiles Posted on #JahilNooray Trend

Affable_1 @Affable_1

Main Aur Mera Rab, Roz Bhool Jaatay Hain "IQBAL" Main UsKi Ataa'on Ko, Wo Meri Khtaa'on Ko.!!
#PTI 4 #PAKISTAN #GhulamPatwari #JahilNooray #ImranKhan
3709 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

All the promises made by Showbaz Shreef turned into a big lie now. But #JahilNooray still votes for them! #GhulamPatwari
3709 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7


What else can we Expect to #JahilNooray, Who Blindly admitting NS's Daughter as a next Future Leader after NS??? :-)


3709 Day(s) ago: Web
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

What do u think about marrying Bilawaja Bhutto with Gullu Maryam ?
Gullu Mariyam is a Ghunda! & Bilawaja bhutto is a girl!

3709 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

3709 Day(s) ago: SMS
Dilkash @Dilkashmunda

A guy PM me, that Mariyam has done alot for Pakistan. hahaha

#JahilNooray #GhulamPatwari #HappyBirthdayGulluMaryam
3709 Day(s) ago: SMS
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