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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #MOTIVATOR Trend

Sellfish @Hma

Loosing Is A Learning Experience.

It Teaches You '#HUMILITY'

It Teaches You To '#WORK HARD'

It's Also A Powerful '#MOTIVATOR'

3560 Day(s) ago: Web
Ashiq Rehman Afridi @Ashiqrehman

The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present. So ignore every pain & enjoy today. Life is too short to have regrets...
4091 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ashiq Rehman Afridi @Ashiqrehman

Instead of being fake, be yourself. You'll have haters either way. Haters mean Motivators. ..
So if you want to motivate yourself, not to be fake. ...,

4275 Day(s) ago: SMS

