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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #ModelTown Trend

#TUQ k khelaf rally nikalny wala #Ludhyanvi 2013 K #Election Me Us K Pas #ModelTown Kia Lene Gia tha? Sharm kro haya kro #shuhada se #vafa karo :-p #ssp #gonawazgo #azadimarchPTI #IKTheHero #Pakistan #Shame #Tsunami #Sharamnak
3855 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zee @Zah3er

Inquiry Report Me Qasoor War Tehra Gia To Istifa De Dunga, Shehbaz Sharif, 17/6/2014
Kia Shehbaz Sharif Sahina #ModelTown Pe Istifa Denge?
3862 Day(s) ago: SMS
Zaheer Abbas @Tullips

#pakistan #Army 1 incident made invisibe by 2nd incident like #MUsharraf case then #Airportattack then #modeltown and afterward
3911 Day(s) ago: SMS
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