Total 10 Smiles Posted on #PLay Trend

#Treat me like a #queen, I'll treat #you like a #king,,
If you treat me like a #game, I'll treat you how is it #play
If you treat me like a #game, I'll treat you how is it #play

Playing #Ludo exactly after 5,6 years, used to #play it when I was a school kid - especially can't forget the #memories of playing it in my 10th exams with #cousins pretending to be studying 
& then life ruined my directions totally :l

& then life ruined my directions totally :l

#CwC15 #Play stopped due to #rain
#IND 186/3 (38.1 Ovs)
Suresh Raina*
38 (38)
Rohit Sharma
83 (96)
#love #ckt #espn
#IND 186/3 (38.1 Ovs)
Suresh Raina*
38 (38)
Rohit Sharma
83 (96)
#love #ckt #espn
3656 Day(s) ago: SMS

- LEt's #PLaY A #GAMe #friENds ..!!
-If u WANna PLaY THeN U JUXt havE TO COmMENts/pM TO Me..!
xO, TElL ME WHOxe-1 uR FAVourit PerXOnaLItY On MC ??
- LEt's #PLaY A #GAMe #friENds ..!!
-If u WANna PLaY THeN U JUXt havE TO COmMENts/pM TO Me..!
xO, TElL ME WHOxe-1 uR FAVourit PerXOnaLItY On MC ??

#I #like 2 #play #hide & seek #game since #childhood #she #knows thats y she is #trying #her #level #best to #keep #me #involve in #my #favourite #game
#Mc #fun
#Mc #fun
4094 Day(s) ago: SMS