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Total 3 Smiles Posted on #PainFuLL Trend

Abdul Hadi @Rajaji

‪#‎__MEry‬ BaaD EsSa
KisE Ko PaOo...;*
#__MEry BaaD EsSa
KisE sEe MaaT KrNa ...;*
#SMilE ..!!:-/
3316 Day(s) ago: Web
Tehseen @Youngboy

Cutting Myself While Shaving....

3438 Day(s) ago: SMS
Waleed @Daffodilllx

A #PainFuLL And #A HearT-BreaKinG Line Said By A Child Who Lost His Parents In fFoods...!;( ;(

'''Dear River! I Will Never 4give U Even If U Touch My Feet A Milllion Times ''''

AsSaLaM-O-ALaiKuM FrNx...!;( ;( ;(
3460 Day(s) ago: Web
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