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Total 4 Smiles Posted on #PakistanForPTI Trend

Rehan Ali @Iropaksms

#KyaHiAchaHota agr Patwarkhana k nazdeek 1 BURNOL Shop hota...

Patwariyo'n... Get ready to face the heat of 30Nov. :-)

#wewithpti #gonawazgo
3678 Day(s) ago: SMS
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#KyaHiAchaHota agr #PMLN ne 4 HalQe pehle hi Khol diye hote, to aj #GoNawazGo hr jgah na hota.

Patwariyo'n...??? R u Listening me??

3678 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#KyaHiAchaHota agr Patwarkhana k nazdeek 1 BURNOL Shop hota...

Patwariyo'n... Get ready to face the heat of 30Nov. :-)

3678 Day(s) ago: Mobile
Ahad @Flux_24x7

#KyaHiAchaHota agr PPPMLN k Blind supporters me zarra brabar bhe Aqal hoti.

3678 Day(s) ago: Mobile
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