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Total 7 Smiles Posted on #RobinSharma Trend

Hamza @Shona

Never do anything because you have to. The only reason to do something is because you want to and because you know it is the right thing for you to do.

- #RobinSharma


4003 Day(s) ago: Web
Palwasha Khan @Palwashakhan

How elegantly you manage disappointment will determine how quickly you'll experience success.
via SaNaM
4030 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hamza @Shona

Get to know your deepest and truest values.
Get to know your preferences and priorities--not those that others have taught you are the most important but those that you feel to be of the highest value.

4124 Day(s) ago: SMS
Hamza @Shona

The universe is not ignorant of your heart's longings :)


4125 Day(s) ago: SMS
Romeo @Mythoughts

"To pretend you are not feeling what you are feeling would be a very unhealthy thing to do, both psychologically and physiologically."
- #RobinSharma
4134 Day(s) ago: SMS
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